Recurse Center, week 12


A weekly log of my activity at the Recurse Center, a 12-week programming retreat.

Tags: rc

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Monday, March 18th

Wrote some niceties. In case I haven't explained before, these are notes of encouragement that Recursers leave for each other at the end of a batch. It's a really nice tradition!

Prepared my BitTorrent presentation for the Thursday presentations. This may or may not get transformed into a blog post at some point.

Attended the ML Applied Projects group where they were brainstorming a Kaggle challenge about classifying EEG data. I didn't know enough to get involved in the discussion, but it was nice to get a taster!

Tuesday, March 19th

FINALLY finished the niceties. It was surprisingly exhausting to find meaningful things to say, but it was worth the effort.

Paired with Zack on music programming with the cl-collider interface for SuperCollider. There were some speedbumps, like not being able to share my audio over Zoom, and cl-collider missing some functionality, but it was great to see how Zack makes cool sounds from the basic building blocks!

Then paired with Raghav on debugging the behaviour of function closures in his Clojure-based Lox implementation. His test cases almost broke my brain. Afterwards, he linked this enlightening answer on StackOverflow about how closures and the data structures used to implement them are often conflated.

Read a few pages of Learning From Data, but at this point was too tired to focus.

Wednesday, March 20th

Read more of Learning From Data. And had a nice discussion with Evance where he talked me through his cool database projects.

Thursday, March 21st

The most hilarious and emotional presentations event of the whole batch! I laughed so much and had a ball of feelings in my chest throughout. The laughter mostly came from a presentation about an (NSFW!!!) alternative game controller. There was also a karaoke event after all the presentations, where the lyrics of Yesterday were replaced with ones that were randomly generated based on a corpus of... Yelp reviews? YouTube comments? I can't remember.

Besides that, my BitTorrent presentation went pretty well, and I spent the rest of the day reading Learning From Data.

Friday, March 22nd

The end-of-batch reflection event was helpful and gave me a lot to think about. Also attended the Feelings Check-in for yet more reflection.


So ended my time at RC. I originally intended to stick to the RC routine for at least another 2 days (the first week started on a Wednesday - I want those days back!), and possibly until the end of the month, but those intentions quickly dissolved. I was happy to abandon the US office hours and salvage my sleep schedule. I've been neglecting various Life Things since the start of the year, and it has been nice to restore that Life Balance in the past week.

I'll write a longer reflection on my RC experience at a later date. For now, thanks to all the people in my batch who made it special! ❤️

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